Horror Boom’s 2014 Holiday Gift Countdown- Part 5 of 5 – Edgar Allan Poe Sweater!

Yes, this actually exists. Archie McPhee’s (based locally, and another store it is not wise for me to go into with a credit card, they expanded and there’s way too much cool shit) carries a variety of unusual Edgar Allan Poe-themed gifts, such as temporary tattoos and Poe lunch boxes. Check out the temporary tattoos if you have time, most of them are pretty clever and would only mean something to or be recognized by another devoted reader of Poe. Cool way to meet like-minded friends, huh? This one takes the cake, though!

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The Edgar Allan Poe sweater is in stock now (which means if you live within reasonable driving distance of Seattle, you could definitely get one in time to give as a gift), costs $42.50, and is ‘One Size Fits Most’. It’s also unisex, which means ladies with curves could have a problem fitting into it, but we have yet to hear a female complain about it. Here’s the more detailed write-up direct from the Archie McPhee product page for this cool item:

Just say Poe to Halloween sweaters

This is a limited quantity, exclusive item! Some people prefer Halloween to any other holiday and this Edgar Allan Poe Sweater is for them. You could wear it as a Christmas sweater, but it’s designed to be worn on a brisk autumn evening as you contemplate your own mortality while sitting in a graveyard next to an abandoned church. Featuring an honest, but misguided attempt to accurately capture the likeness of Edgar Allan Poe, this sweater is sure to be a conversation piece with you and your friends as you play with a Ouija board and read poetry from your tear-stained journal. This one-size-fits-most sweater is sausage-casing-tight on a 2XL person and awkwardly loose on a medium frame. 100% acrylic. Buy it fast—these won’t last long!!

It may be limited edition, but the sweater is in stock. That’s a pretty awesome self-justification reason to pick one up– hey, they have them now, but once they’re gone, they’re gone! You might be able to find one on eBay after they go out of stock, but you know they’ll crank up the price, even if they’re used. Hey, you might as well grab the tattoos while you’re at it. The price is reasonable, and come on, check out this sample (click on it to go to the Archie McPhee’s purchase/detail page for the item). HOP FROG is on there, for Chrissakes!

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Click image to go to Archie McPhee’s and get a better look! Maybe you will find your lost Lenore…

So, there you have it, give great gifts for horror fans to give and get.  We ran this countdown admittedly a little closer to Christmas than we’d like, but we wanted to find extra cool stuff …and all of it ended up merited featuring in a post of its own, rather than lumping them all up in one novella-length post. In case you missed them, here are links to the other items.

The Babadook Actual Pop-Up Book (limited edition)

Festive Cthulhu Tree Ornament

The Journal/Sketchbook Made of Human Skin that looks like it was cooked up by an early Sam Raimi prop department, plus two other unique journals (there’s a good chance that if you go and find one of the Monster Skin ones gone, yours truly finally caved and purchased it for herself).

USB Waving Tentacle (that may or may not summon the Elder Gods)

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Aaand of course, the good old Poe Sweater. We hoped you’ve found these items entertaining, if a little late to buy (though you could still make it happen by paying extra shipping). We don’t get a cut of anything sold, and we are also not responsible for any wild spending sprees you go on while looking them up on the Archie McPhee site, Etsy.com, or ThinkGeek.com.

If you buy any of the recommended items, we’d love to see your photos of it! Especially anyone wearing the sweater.


Horror Boom’s Ten Scariest Asian Horror Movies Ever Made – #8 – “Uzumaki” AKA “Spiral” (2000)

First up: Disturbing image warning.

We’re slowly but surely working our way up the list of our picks for the ten scariest Asian horror movies ever made. This is a good time to point out that Uzumaki (AKA Spiral) isn’t #8 on the list because it’s less scary of a film that any of the others.  They’re all scary as hell (though we would rate, say, Shutter over Three… Extremes; then again, Shutter is in the our Top Ten Scariest Movies ever made PERIOD, list), we’re just not listing them in order of importance/scariness.  This J-horror pick for the Top Ten list is based on a manga by one of the most popular and terrifying names in horror manga, Junji Ito (more on that later), so there’s a whole new type of media to augment and expand the fright generated by Uzumaki. I wrote this up for the IMDB in 2011 and to this day, I stand by my 9/10 stars rating. Watch the trailer below (it’s short, but long enough to give you a pretty good idea of how the movie ended up on this list):

If you had told me* fifteen years ago that I would be so frightened I would be on the verge of a panic attack merely by watching a horror movie whose plot centers on a small town being terrorized by a geometric concept, I probably would have laughed in your face. Well, that was before Fangoria magazine recommended a horror movie from Japan called Uzumaki (possibly in the same issue as Ringu) and I finally found a copy to rent. This one I unwisely made the decision to watch after dark (after deliberately watching several like A Tale of Two Sisters in the daytime), when I was the only one in the house still awake; all the lights on the whole upper floor of the house were off except the one from the TV. As disturbing and frightening as the manga of the same name that the movie is based on (and if you’ve read ANY of the three books that comprise the manga, you know that is no easy task) this one-of-a-kind J-horror flick also has images I still can’t quite get out of my head, and I watched the movie in 2008.

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I then watched Uzumaki again in Fall of 2011, this time making the equally stupid decision to watch it on a good-sized flatscreen. All the images I recalled were every bit as scary–just as much bang for your buck (or yen). Not only that, but there was one shot, a VERY disturbing, brief set-piece (and arguably the most bloody), that I only recalled about two seconds before it happened. The entire movie is so increasingly unnerving –not a lot of rests between scares, and little comic relief –that I suppose my brain wiped the scene out because it was just too much for my central nervous system to take in all at once.

Also, in between viewings, I read the complete manga– I’m not sure whether to recommend the movie or the graphic novels first. The series of graphic novels’ tone is even darker- WAY darker, and the movie’s not exactly happy-go-lucky to start with. I picked up the manga (which has won an impressive and lengthy list of notable awards and honors that were absolutely earned) after I saw the movie the first time–which at least warns you what you are in for–out of morbid curiosity. I was so blown away (and actively horrified, almost to the point of trauma; perhaps reading them all in a row beginning around midnight was not the smartest goddamned thing I’ve ever done) I went and rented the movie again to compare the two, and can report that other than excluding some storylines** that would’ve made the movie very hard to be released and marketed for all but adult audiences (and possibly too scary even for a J-horror movie, at least in 2000), the movie captures the tone and spirit of the graphic novels dead-on. Screen shot 2014-08-01 at 3.47.53 AMMany of the best-known, most fucking bloodcurdling haunting scenes from the manga are recreated perfectly, even when said scenes and setpieces in the manga would seem to be impossible to stay true to in a live-action format. if you do see the movie version –and don’t get so freaked out you have multiple borderline panic attacks like I did when I tried to sleep the next couple nights–and want more, buy or borrow the manga to get the full experience. If you do, that almost guarantees you’ll want another viewing of the movie. 

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By the way, there’s a really cool site out there called Mangashare.com. If you want to read Uzumaki  -Spiral Into Terror by Junji Ito online, free (and translated into English), you can begin scaring the shit out of yourself by starting the series using this link here. Reading these before bedtime isn’t advised, because here’s just a few images from the sheer nightmare of a manga written and drawn in vivid detail by Junji Ito:

Be glad they’re not in color.  So! After spending over an hour searching for and scanning the manga for the above handful of images, I’m not getting any sleep tonight! How about you guys?

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*Before I discovered Asian horror, that is; after that, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all to hear how disturbing the creators could make this. Especially based on a Junji Ito series.

**Here’s an interesting –and important– tidbit of trivia I found on IMDB when double-checking some facts for this re-write: “The movie was filmed before the manga had completed its run, and reveals a different ending and origins storyline than that featured in the manga.”  If they ever made a version of Uzumaki that follows the storyline and especially the original ending of the manga, it’d probably take me, oh, four or five fucking years to work up the nerve to see it.

This movie is not only a must-watch for fans of Asian horror; if you need your appetite killed for a few hours or more, this worked for me.

This movie is not only a must-watch for fans of Asian horror; if you’re trying to watch what you eat and need your appetite killed for a few hours or more, this worked for me.





“NoSleep” 2014 eBook, Issue 1- Give This A Read, Scary as Hell!

I started poking around the NoSleep Subreddit today, reading the archive with the contest winners for each month, and pretty much each one of them was nightmarish (and well-written). The e-Books are available in plenty of formats and since the stories are fairly short, there’s always time to catch up and get one read… right before bedtime! At the very least, check out the contest archive. SOMETHING there will scare the hell out of you…

-30- Press eBook

Ring in the new year terrifyingly late with the first issue of 2014! In this edition, our authors will truly abuse your emotions. Each story evokes that nervous prickle on the back of your neck that you’ve come to expect but, in this issue, it will be compounded with visceral disgust, soul-crushing sadness, and paranoia so intense it will hurt to draw even the smallest of breaths. You may not like what you feel, but I can guarantee that you will feel. And when a man in a suit comes to your house to offer you Kool Aid, tempting though the offer may seem, leave your door bolted and turn back to the nosleep eBook.




Not sure how to read the eBook? Download the FREE Kindle reader App, available for almost any device, and then download the MOBI file.

If you like this eBook, you may…

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Here’s That Hemlock Grove Season 2 Behind-the-Scenes Werewolf Transformation Clip!

We told you they’d put one of these up again and were very happy to find this featurette! Check it out below.

Good for them for using practical effects again whenever possible. This time, they had to figure out how to “pull a full-sized man out of a wolf”!

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It’s also cool to see the interviews with the younger actors on the show talk about how much better it looks than CGI.

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They’re right–it’s a LOT more work (we’re guessing they had to hand-punch those hairs in individually on the black wolf model, and that’s some serious time and effort to put in), but the pay-off is absolutely worth it.

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All ten episodes of Hemlock Grove Season 2 are available on Netflix streaming now. If you’re watching for the effects, we can confirm there is triple the amount of gore than there was on Season One!

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Rutina Wesley talks ‘True Blood’ season premiere twist (and what Tara should sing in that ‘True Blood’ musical)

Don’t know about you, but we’re still in denial.

Before you click on the link in the lower left, please remember:




DON’T MOVE (2013), Scariest Short Horror Film of the Week- Another Award-Winning Masterpiece From Bloody Cuts!

This is the eighth and final short film in the series from Bloody Cuts (unless you count the example short they made for the “Who’s There” contest, which we’ll also be posting), and while it’s too bad it’s the last, it’s certainly an excellent one to finish out the series with. This is more fun the less you know going in, but I should note it is definitely gory enough to not be suitable for kids.  Crank the sound on this one, and not just because it’s scarier that way, but because of the amazing sound/foley art (worth an award right there). The same goes for the visuals- anything less than HD and you’ll be missing out on some amazing effects.

Just to give you an idea of how much work (and blood) was put into Don’t Move, it features the biggest cast, the most deaths, the heaviest visual FX and the largest crew to date; over thirty people came together to make the bloodiest & tensest cut yet. Oh, and the Don’t Move shoot was so messy that fake carpet had to be laid down… and director Anthony Melton was forced to spend Monday morning cleaning blood off the walls. (Source: Bloody Cuts UK)

So what are you waiting for (other than daylight)?

Now THAT is how you fucking end a gory short horror film. BOOM! We’re not surprised that the director’s favorite horror film is Hellraiser (I don’t know about you, but I don’t think that visual will be leaving my head for weeks months).  If you want to know about Don’t Move, we’ve got plenty of goodies for you. Read on!

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Here is what Bloody Cuts UK officially has to say about “Don’t Move” (on their website):

‘Don’t Move’ represents the directorial début of Bloody Cuts producer Anthony Melton, and his love of horror classics such as Hellraiser ensured ‘Don’t Move’ has become a tense, disturbing and brutally bloody short.

Developed as a challenge to create a horror script with little movement and hardly any dialogue, ‘Don’t Move’ crawled out of writer David Scullion’s twisted brain in 2010, where he promptly left it on a shelf to gather dust. When producer Ben Franklin discovered it in a basement two years later, Bloody Cuts quickly realized they had found their Episode 8.

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Funded by the fantastic generosity of Horror-lovers all over the globe, the month-long Kickstarter campaign for ‘Don’t Move’ raised over £3000 and ensured Anthony’s ambitious vision was able to be realized… in spectacular fashion.

‘Don’t Move’ once again uses the special effects make-up talents of Neill Gorton’s Millennium FX (Doctor Who), who continue to bring their fresh and terrifying creations to life, and stars an excellent cast that includes Rachel Bright, Ian Whyte (Game of Thrones, Prometheus) and Jake Hendricks (Hollyoaks).

Incidentally, director / producer Anthony Melton’s favourite horror film is Hellraiser and the demonic entity in ‘Don’t Move’ was designed & created by industry-legend Cliff Wallace… who actually worked on the original Hellraiser! An absolute honour.

Trivia: the voice of ‘Paul’ at the beginning of ‘Don’t Move’ isn’t actually voiced by actor Martin Skipper. This was added later by Ben Tillett, who is also the director, writer and ‘Narrator’ of https://horrorboom.wordpress.com/wp-admin/post-new.phpSuckablood… did you spot the Phantom in the opening Steadicam Shot? [Ed. note: we still haven’t. Did you any of you guys?]

Here we have is the “making of” video;  highly recommended watching… they worked their ASSES off on this one (and there’s less CGI than I thought).

I’m surprised they managed to shoot it over one weekend, I mean got-damn, it’s pretty elaborate.

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Here’s something we thought was really cool. There’s a WordPress blog called Write-Shoot-Cut, and this page features an introduction by Neil Rolland (who got to see Don’t Move on the big screen as part of a special showcase event at the Bootleg Film Festival, Edinburgh) and a piece by the screenwriter of Don’t Move, David Scullion. He rightly points out that the script is ridiculously tame compared to the final product (but don’t let that stop you from reading it). Our personal favorite extra goodie we found is the actual script, a 12-page .PDF file that you can download on the page; here’s the link again.

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Here’s the Kickstarter campaign page for Don’t Move, which also makes for interesting reading …and watching. There’s a cool video “pitch” which I can’t embed, so check it out on Kickstarter. I’m suddenly VERY bummed all over again that Bloody Cuts will not be continuing in its current form.

Finally, the usual awesome poster…

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And remember, whatever you do…

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NEW: See First Full-Length HD Trailer For “The Green Inferno” – Fear Will Consume You!

Our personal favorite blurb used in this trailer is the one from Fangoria – WILL LEAVE VIEWERS STUMBLING OUT OF THE THEATER.* Now we really want to hunt down that review. But first…

Here’s the new trailer, which shows the set-up, then things going horribly wrong beginning with the plane crash (looks like there are about seven survivors out of twenty, tops), then waking up to find themselves with hands tied or in a cage, surrounded by bloodthirsty cannibals. There’s not a bunch of blood, mostly horrified reaction shots… and you do NOT want to know what that hook-claw on a stick wielded by what appears to be the tribe’s medicine woman with the elaborately painted face and extreme nose-piercing is for. Especially if you’re female. Here’s the first full-length trailer in HD, which hit the web yesterday:

This is why we (personally, that is–you want to wade around in the Amazon rainforest, be our guest, you’re braver than us) will stick to donating/signing petitions for causes we believe in from the comfort of our home, rather than actually flying there as an activist.

Here’s a bunch of screencaps; though many of them are horrified reaction shots from the characters watching… oh, let me take a wild guess… their friends being sliced up/pulled apart and eaten right in front of them. Hey, at least they have their yellow protective suits still on! Because THAT’S going to do them a lot of good. Click on any image in the mosaic for a larger version (and possibly a smart-ass caption).

We also love how the trailer starts off the first thirty seconds looking like it’s going to be a film about students trying to save the rainforest. C’mon, what’s the worst thing that could happen?

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*Though we love hearing NOTHING CAN PREPARE YOU in advertisements for messed-up movies, I guess they aren’t addressing our staff here at Horror Boom. STUMBLING OUT OF THE THEATER, now that’s actually possible.

Read The First 6 Pages Of New ‘Big Trouble in Little China’ Comic Book On EW.com – Free!

DEFINITELY worth your time! Click “View original” in the lower left and there you have it, the first six KICK-ASS pages from the new comic! (Good luck trying to read it on your phone, though; we needed to wear our reading glasses   enlarge the screen on the laptop browser to make the text out. Whatever you need to do, it’s worth it for the fun!

See Blood-Curdling New HD Trailer For Asmodexia (2014)- Horrifying Spanish Exorcism Film

We ran across this recent trailer today, only seeing the YouTube freeze-frame and the word ASMODEXIA. There’s something kind of magical about having just that extremely limited amount of information about a horror trailer (especially for a foreign film) while experiencing it for the first time. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look here first (it’s well worth your time):

OK! Want to know more about the movie? We sure did. We didn’t even have a clue what  the title Asmodexia meant. Some kind of medical condition? Disease? What?

They were locked up for days. They ended up eating rats.


Well, the movie is the feature-length début of director Marc Carreté.  The word “asmodexia” was made up by the director, who says in an interview with Fangoria that he “likes mixing up words to get diseases,*  and other than that was mysterious about the specific meaning. You can read the in-depth interview with Mr. Carrete here, conducted during a set visit by writer on Fangoria.com, and it’s got plenty of information (plus some creepy and grisly stills).

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Here is the basic plot info, which makes us want to see it even more…

Eloy de Palma is an exorcist pastor roaming the darkest corners of the country with his granddaughter, Alba. Their mission is to help those possessed by The Evil One, an infection of the soul that is spreading fast, especially among the most vulnerable members of society: children, mental patients, and drug addicts. There is also a mysterious cult following them, making it more difficult to help those in need. Each exorcism is tougher than the one before, and every battle with Evil reveals a piece of young Alba’s forgotten past – an enigma that if unconcealed could change the world as we know it.

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We wish we had more to tell you about a release date, but the latest news is that in early May of this year, it was acquired by Raven Banner for international sale. We have yet to read a negative review. Now, let’s hope they sell Asmodexia very fucking fast, because we want to see this very fucking badly! We’ll keep you posted. We’re also going to be optimistic and put it on our list of ten most anticipated horror films for the second half of 2014, because waiting till 2015 to experience the movie seems impossible.


Calm down, Susana. There’s nobody else here…


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*Well, not to actually GET or acquire the diseases himself, he means ‘come up with’.  It sounds weird out of context; read the interview, it’ll make more sense.

Read Variety’s ‘Penny Dreadful’ Review – ‘Solidly Entertaining’, ‘Pulpy’, and ‘Oozing With Atmosphere’

Set in 1891, just a few years after the Ripper’s spree, the project capitalizes on the lingering fear created by those events, while playing with the audience’s understanding and expectations surrounding its better-known characters.

Created by John Logan and counting his “Skyfall” director Sam Mendes among the producers, “Penny Dreadful” (a not-quite-dreadful title, derived from the serialized publications of the day) doesn’t hurry the action, and some scenes linger surprisingly long, as the narrative flits around seeking to establish a dense mythology that includes Egyptian hieroglyphics and apocalyptic warnings.

-from the Variety review by Brian Lowry


We’ve seen the pilot, and that description in the title is very accurate. Don’t miss it when Penny Dreadful airs the pilot episode tonight, May 11, on Showtime at 10 p.m.!  Did we mention it’s deliciously creepy and really gory?