We might actually see Eli Roth’s The Green Inferno this year

Aaaand lookie here! Ryan at Rhino’s Horror has some news about Eli Roth’s very, VERY delayed release (it was supposed to open in early September of 2014, and the movie made its festival premiere at TIFF in 2013, so it was already kind of overdue) of The Green Inferno! As you may recall, the long-awaited theatrical release from Open Road was bumped just weeks before it opened. Apparently the plan is still to release it in theaters, due to a change in management at World View. Read on for more information on Roth’s estimated theatrical release date…

Last year, as we approached the September debut of Eli Roth’s much-anticipated The Green Inferno, it was pulled from its release indefinitely due to some behind-the-scenes bullshit. Now, after many months of silence and leaving fans in the dark, Eli Roth spoke up about the film’s fate.

View original post 217 more words

Next Week’s American Horror Story Freak Show Episode Has An Entertaining New Title

This week’s upcoming episode, 4X09,  was previously titled, “The Fat Lady Sings”. Some time during the two-week hiatus, it got retitled…

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Tupperware Party Massacre!


Which sounds pretty damn great.  If we could, we would have used a font that appeared to drip blood for the snappy new title! Supposedly, it has a really high body count (as you can tell from the preview, and the title), and is definitely at least as bloody.

"Honey, I'm home! How did the Tupperware party goooOOOOOAAAHHHHHH!"

Honey, I’m home! How did the Tupperware party goooOOOOOAAAHHHHHH!

The title is kind of a spoiler; then again, you have a pretty good idea that something along these lines is going to happen from the preview. Dandy seems to take it up a notch with every episode. If he does what it looks like he did with his mother’s body in the preview,  it’s going to be pretty horrifying.

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Ten Disturbing Things We Learned From American Horror Story Freak Show Episode Five, “Pink Cupcakes” (Spoilers)

For some reason, we found “Pink Cupcakes” (which have never before sounded so unappetizing) to be the first real episode this season that really ...bothered us. Not that we found vicious killer clowns (who friends of ours understandably referred to as “Stabby the Clown”) with no lower jaw (due to a tragic backstory) cheerful or anything, and Twisty’s whole storyline had a perfect payoff. We don’t have a pathological fear of clowns, but he was pretty threatening.  So I could have started writing these “Ten Things” pieces as usual,  right after the premiere, but there weren’t any big plot or character reveals (okay, Elsa’s legs were a surprise) that Ryan Murphy hadn’t already either hinted at or flat-out told us about in the media, or that we hadn’t more or less figured out.  We hated Dandy by the time the second episode he appeared in ended, and it was kind of obvious he wasn’t going to be a benevolent character.  Last Wednesday, though, we got some good reveals, and for the first time, we exclaimed out loud in surprise, and really, really were disturbed by a murder enough to also curse loudly. So let’s get on with the show. One, two …three.

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1.  Del is a closeted gay. Well, of course he would have to be closeted even if he wasn’t a manly circus strongman for a living; as a gay man outed in a small town in 1952 you would almost certainly end up on the receiving end of a vicious blanket party, set on fire, or be the victim of another hate crime (or have your life ruined in some other way) if you were not closeted. That’s why we were genuinely surprised to see him at a gay bar, and more than that, desperately, hopelessly infatuated (and even professing his love) with guest star Matt Bomer, playing a smoking hot young man named Andy who turns tricks and hustles for a living. He basically referred to the bar as his office. It was hinted at before that Del was not 100% heterosexual, though you had to pay attention to pick up on it. Well, being married to a woman with a male member next to the female one was kind of a red flag, but it could be argued that if a man had an opportunity to be with a hot, gorgeous woman with three perfect breasts, he might be willing to overlook the male member.

2. …or what appears to be a male member. Turns out Désirée is all woman. Well, maybe even more than all woman, since she has three breasts and a clitoris large enough to be mistaken for a penis. When she’s hammered and lonely and turns to Jimmy to “make her feel something”, they both panic when his hand comes away from between her legs covered in blood and Ethel takes her to see the kindly, compassionate Dr. Bonham from “Edward Mordrake Part One”.  He’s got some news for her: what she (and a doctor in her past) thought was a penis turned out to be a (very) oversized clitoris. It’s (figuratively) connected to her extra breast. He gives some medical explanation about her body producing a really, really high amount of estrogen because it was trying to compensate–it didn’t sound completely medically legit to us, but we will suspend our disbelief.  He tells her surgery can give her normal-sized lady parts (we liked how removing the “accessory” breast wasn’t even alluded to as an option when doing surgery–hey, let’s not get crazy here!).

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3. Désirée was also pregnant, and was bleeding so badly because she was having a miscarriage. The doctor tells her that she can even try again and having a child is a distinct possibility for her (though she should probably hurry because her biological clock is ticking). We see surprise, then wonder, then hope in her eyes as this sinks in. “I can have a baby with Del,” she murmurs. But, she damn sure has a change of heart before long, because…


 Why are you still moving? You’re supposed to be dead!



4.  By the time Del finds her, she’s packed a suitcase to movie into Ethel’s trailer.  Del is desperate to get her to stay, and we half expected him to hit her or shake her or some other form of domestic abuse, but guess he knew better.  She tells him she was pregnant, he says, “A baby… great!” half-heartedly, and then it escalates very quickly.  Turns out she knows Jimmy is his son.  She keeps telling him that he is the one with freak blood in him, not her, but all their years together he made her feel like she was such a freak of nature that she didn’t deserve anyone better than him …or a better life.  She wants to have a kid, but not his. To add to Del’s despair, remember that this is taking place after Andy pretty much broke his heart, telling him Del he was delusional if he thought they would ever have any kind of relationship, or even contact, without having to pay like ever other trick. After telling him she was leaving him for a real man who deserved to be with her (and she tells Del what he calls her “big dick” is going to be surgically corrected by Dr. Bonham), Désirée leaves him standing there,  with Del clearly about to have some kind of meltdown. Towards the end of the episode, Del pays a personal visit to Dr. Bonham and breaks his fingers, possibly his hands too. Then, just in case the doctor didn’t get the message, Del threatens to snap his grandchildren’s fingers “like twigs.”  Soooooo, that surgery won’t be happening.

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5.  Stanley has an extremely creepy fantasy life. All of his lovely daydreams we saw underscored how vile a man he really is. His grandiose dream of Paul’s body floating in a tank before an awed crowd of horrible rich people was unsettling. The horrifying shot of the Tatler Twins torso floating in the glass display tank–and especially the fact that Bette’s head was dead and rotting probably days before he finally smothered Dot, who was begging him for help (and begging Bette to wake up) –was disturbing as hell. So was Stanley’s casual explanation to the museum owner he sold the body to when she asked how they “expired”: “The droopy one caught a cold and died first.”

Please …kill me. Please, kill me?


6.  Elsa is getting desperate. She practically spits on the floor when Stanley tries to entice her with the idea of her own television show, but then when the entire crowd (not into anachronistic performances of songs, no matter how good they are) turns on her, we see her hopes burning to the ground. When Stanley comes by after the disastrous show, and she says to him wearily, “Tell me about zis… television,” we can see her fighting back tears. Once again, Jessica Lange’s performance on AHS breaks our hearts. She doesn’t get really scary until she sees Stanley driving away without her, Bette and Dot in the back seat. Her next move is to talk to the twins and tell them she wants to help their and look after them since they’re new to the business and Elsa is not. We didn’t expect, though, that she would drive them straight to the Mott residence in the guise of taking them in for a wardrobe fitting. “I have brought you something I believe you want,” she starts out to Gloria right before the episode ends. To be fair, I don’t think she would have taken them there if Elsa knew Gloria’s son was a blood-thirsty, homicidal sociopath. She probably just wanted them out of the way, maybe even only temporarily. How could THAT go wrong?

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7. Maggie is having second thoughts. First she tells Stanley she did not agree to be involved with murder. Later, when she surprises Jimmy rehearsing, she pretends to read his palm and gives him a not-too-subtle fortune: something bad is coming for him, and he needs to get the hell out of there fast. She seems to be attracted to him, but still won’t let him kiss her. Hopefully she will end up ratting Stanley out more directly, and the freaks will end up cutting his throat and stabbing him (all together) about 70 times and then burning the body, the way they did with the police detective.


Jack the Ripper was a Windsor, for God’s sake.


8. Dandy’s mother Gloria is more batshit crazy–and darker–than we thought. At the very least, a sociopath. She’s mad at Dandy for killing Dora (“She was a mother!” is her first horrified reaction),but is pretty casual (and clever) about the way they dispose of the body. “These are special bulbs from Holland. Please do not question me!” she shrills at the men hired to dig a twelve-foot hole ( actually for Dora’s body). Oh, and we find out that Dandy’s father also had homicidal “urges”,  due to inbreeding (according to Gloria). One day he ended up “swinging lifeless from a Japanese Maple” because he couldn’t stand struggling with his urges any more and “suppressed them the only way he could” (also according to Gloria).  She tells Dandy he has to be careful who he kills, since it’s 1952 and they might have relatives who come looking for their missing family member; instead it needs to be people no-one will miss. The scene of them finishing up the bulbs planted over Dora’s corpse ends with on a disturbing note, with Gloria quietly telling her son, “we’ll figure something out.”

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9.  Jimmy is a local hero, though when Maggie points this out to him, he says, “Right now, I want to throw up.” Turns out Jimmy still feels terrible about poor Meep (though I bet the local chicken population is feeling better) being beaten to death in prison and then dumped in a sack on their doorstep.  In the scene where Jimmy and Désirée are drowning their sorrows in her trailer, he loses it and weeps, “it shoulda been me.” Interesting trivia: Ben Woolf, the actor who played Meep, also portrayed the Infantata, arguably the most frightening character from AHS Season One, AKA Murder House.

There’s nothing worse than the hurt of loving someone you can’t have.


10.  Dandy, unsurprisingly the new big bad (well, next to Stanley, who is also deadly but mainly just a greedy, scheming piece of shit looking for a big payday) is clearly just getting started. Either he or his mother decided a gay bar would be a good place to find a victim (we also loved the very serious MAN WANTED poster with an ‘artist’s sketch’ of a clown mask that Dandy passes). When Del leaves, crushed, Dandy zeroes in on Andy, and pays him a hundred dollars to come back to the Abandoned School Bus of Murder with him, and of course, things get really disturbing.  The fact that Andy turned out not to be dead even after Dandy stabbed him brutally over a dozen times in the torso AND sawed one of his arms off was the first thing this season that really caused us to feel deep horror.


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Stray Thoughts:


  • Gabourey Sidibe will be back as Regina Ross, Dora’s daughter in New York.  We loved the “Mrs. Mott, I’m feeling really uncomfortable, so I’m going to go now” line of hers when she was on the phone with Gloria, who was starting to ramble about raising Dandy. We doubt she’s going to stick around more than a couple of episodes, though it would be nice if she ended up beating Dandy to death. That was also a great reveal when Gloria hung up the phone and the split-screen disappeared to show Dandy, standing in his underwear, covered with Andy’s blood.
Motion pictures are the expression of our souls, our inner dreams, our fantasies.


  • We knew the Bette and Dot torso in the giant fish tank was a fantasy, but did anyone else worry at first that poor Paul the Illustrated Seal was really floating in the formaldehyde and that the rest of the episode might be the flashbacks to how he ended up in there? We were unsure, but did let out a big sigh of relief when we realized what the writers had done. Everyone should probably worry about his place in the new knife throwing act, though…
  • I had a good laugh at the way Dandy at first tried to act innocent when his mother screamed because she found Dora dead with her throat cut. “Somebody’s broke into our home and murdered Dora!”  he proclaims unconvincingly. Meanwhile, his mother, who immediately figured out that he did it , starts yelling at him about having to clean up his messes almost the second he rushes into the room. That smirk he got after he turned his back and walked away from Gloria to go to his room was chilling, as was his practicing ‘acting faces’ in the mirror.
  • That was an amazing monologue written for Del talking about the pain he goes through and how he is only strong on the outside, and Michael Chiklis knocked it out of the fucking park. It was obvious Del knew how desperate he sounded, begging Andy to let him get him a nice apartment with a record player and good light so he could sketch, to only be with him because he loves him so much, but the words kept flooding out as if he was trying to purge himself of something he’d wanted to tell another human being all his life. Give him a couple more scenes like that and Chiklis might just earn himself an Emmy nomination for Best Supporting Actor. For the record, a month has passed since Del and Désirée arrived in Jupiter.
  • Look around that ‘Morbid Museum’ in the scenes where Stanley is talking to the owner about the twins. There is some seriously disturbing stuff in there (and once again, we are 99.9% sure it was inspired by the real-life Mutter museum*). There are at least two Elephant Man-like skulls, and some really horrible things in jars.
  • I got a huge grin on my face when Jimmy referred to the pinhead duo as Salty and Pepper to the crowd after their act, which seemed to include a drum kit, a large mallet, and slapstick humor. “Salty and Pepper, Ladies and Gents!” We love it.
  • Boy, that crowd REALLY turned on Elsa fast. Guess they are not Bowie fans. Speaking of Bowie– great song choice to use of “Fame” in the montage of her getting ready to go have “publicity photos” taken (that ends with her hope being crushed).  The self-satisfied smirk on Stanley’s face when he saw Elsa unravelling onstage made me want to break his neck …and I’m a huge fan of Denis O’Hare, so I have always taken his side before no matter how much of a rotten prick his character is –until that moment. Hopefully Stanley and Dandy will both get an even more horrible variation of the notorious Todd Browning “chicken lady”  treatment.

Next episode, “Bullseye,” the freaks–including Ethel– seem to be turning on Elsa too. Check out the preview (again) below!


*Which I hope to visit some day, then sometimes during dark, sleepless nights question the decision of putting a visit to that house of horrors on my bucket list.

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Possibly the most breathtaking still of the set yet.

31 Horror Movies In 31 Days – Check Out What We Saw, Including Best and Worst! (Part One of Three)

This is going to have to be split up into three posts, since we already needed to take a month to watch the movies and don’t want to take another month writing this.

Even with the number of horror movies ole Mrs. Horror Boom sees being more in a month that the average movie-goer sees in a year, you’d think finding 31 I hadn’t seen yet would be a cinch, right? Wrong! Fortunately, there was a huge number of new releases for the month of October 2014. I actually saw more than 31, but some were so shitty I don’t even want to add them to the list. A couple of them literally put me to sleep, and there were a couple of others that were so bad I blew a mental fuse just sitting through and trying to tolerate the goddamned things, and either picked up my iPad for some task/game that required most of my attention, or just said the hell with it and turned it off, then re-watched something I knew was a sure thing and would not disappoint me (thus, the few re-watches on the list).


However, let’s just start with the list. I could put them in the order I saw them, but then I would have to look at a detail of our Amazon Instant Video and the VOD cable bill, which I am too nervous to look at and see how fast the charges added up (I’ve seen enough scary movies, I don’t need scary real-life).  Let’s try alphabetical order. An asterisk means that the movie was a fairly new release, say available on VOD less than six weeks.

Oh, and if there is an R-Rated and an Unrated version available for a flick, assume I watched the Unrated (such as the very torture porn-y Carver.  Also if they ever tried to make an R-Rated version of The ABCs of Death 2,* it would probably cut the running time by a good 10 minutes, depending how much of a prude the ratings board members were for that project. For PG-13, there would be about 200 words that you cannot say in a PG-13 movie cut out, and some of the shorts (they usually average 3-4 minutes) would last maybe 30 seconds and you would not definitely know what the fuck was going on with most of them. So thank you, Magnet Releasing!

I also added links to the IMDB pages (or pieces Horror Boom did on the fright flick in question previously), and stuck in a few of the better trailers to keep things interesting. Turns out roughly a third of the horror movies on the list are found footage, and while at least a couple will end up on the “worst” list, there were some nice surprises (including the “mockumentary” The Gerber Syndrome).

The list, and links:

*The ABCs of Death 2 (2014)

(Here’s the gory Red Band trailer, NSFW–enjoy!)

Alyce Kills (2011)

American Mary (re-watch, 2012)

Any Minute Now (2013)

Antisocial (2013)

Bad Kids Go to Hell (2012)

 Black Death (re-watch, 2010)

Here’s the Black Death HD trailer (and yeah, it’s as grim and bleak as it looks)

*Cabin Fever – Patient Zero (2014)

*The Canal (2014)

Carver (2008)

Chasing The Devil (2014)

*Chemical Peel (2014)

Dark Mountain (2013)

*Dead Snow 2 – Red VS Dead (2014)

*Deliver Us From Evil (2014)

Evil Things (2009)

*Found (completed in 2012, but not released on VOD till Fall 2014). Trailer is below, and it earned every blurb and award)

The Gerber Syndrome (2011)

*Horns (2013, but only released recently)

*Housebound (2014)

*The Houses October Built (2014)

Here’s a clip for you from the above movie (yep, more found footage).

*Inner Demons (2014)

The Monkey’s Paw (2013) (quit laughing! I was scraping the bottom of the barrel by this point, I believe Day 29.)

Open Grave (2013)

The Possession of Michael King (2014)

Here’s the trailer for the latter:

*See No Evil 2 (2014)

Sleepy Hollow (1999, re-watch…on Halloween, Day 31)

*The Taking of Deborah Logan (2014 – sale rental on Amazon, free on Netflix streaming)

*V/H/S Viral (2014)

Witching and Bitching (2013)

*Wrong Turn Six- The Last Resort (2014)

Up next? The ten worst films on the list; after that we’ll get to the ten best.


* We will have a review of ABCs of Death 2 coming up where we name the top ten entries. This will actually take some work, because the shorts were so much better it’d be faster just to name the few stupid or lazy ones. In the first ABCs of Death, I couldn’t even get a list of the top ten together; after “X is for XXL”, “L is for Libido”, “T is For Toilet”, “Young Buck”, and “Dog Fight”,  picking five more would be a stretch.  A list of the ten worst for the same movie, however, would pretty much write itself. I was happy to discover after the sequel roared to a finish that I could barely list the five worst. But I digress…

Ten New Things We Learned About American Horror Story Freak Show From The EW Fall Preview!

Oh, you so thought the full length character trailer below gave you a peek under the Big Top? Well, it did, but we found out way more plot and character details from Entertainment Weekly’s Fall  Preview (and we’re guessing there’ll be a feature story with even more information in the next print issue).

In case you want to see the trailer (again), or for some reason you haven’t caught it yet,  you can eyeball it below.

Now, here’s those new character and plot details we’ve all been waiting for!

1.  Don’t worry, Jessica Lange is still going to be bitchy. In fact, she might do some bad things. However, Ryan Murphy says that deep down, she only has the best interests of the Freak Show at heart. Yeah, we’ll see how that works out…

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2. The conjoined twins, Bette and Dot, played by Sarah Paulson, are going to be darker than they sounded when first described.

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3. Dell Toledo, the strong man character (Michael Chiklis) is actually on the run for the law.

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4.  When he returns to the Freak Show, he clashes with Jimmy Darling (Evan Peters).  Jimmy (who as we see in the trailer will probably be billed by the Freak Show as a ‘Lobster Boy’) is actually Del’s son.

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5. Kathy Bates, Del’s ex-wife, is Del’s mother. Just to add to the drama, Del has a new wife with three breasts (Angela Bassett), Désirée Dupree.

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6. The main villain, a retired circus performer, is Twisty the Clown (John Carroll Lynch). He is not thrilled when the Freak Show arrives in Jupiter, Florida.  Those of you with a fear of clowns who are reading this in the dark may want to skip this next bit of information from Ryan Murphy. “He’s wearing a mask on the lower part of his face and there comes a point in the season where takes the mask off and when you see what’s under you will faint in terror.”  Shit!

7. Emma Roberts and Denis O’Hare play a pair of greedy con artists; no word yet on whether that’s Roberts in the cage on the “Caged” teaser and the first official poster.

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8. Frances Conroy will be portraying a wealthy woman named Matilda Hapschatt whose son (Finn Whitrock) wants to join the freak show (take a wild guess on whether THAT storyline will end in a terrible way).

9. Gabourey Sidibe will play a socialite who returns home to Jupiter when her mother (Patti LaBelle, who Murphy called personally to appear on the show) goes MIA. Is Twisty the Clown responsible? Only time will tell.

10. Here’s what to expect from Wes Bentley’s terrifying character, Edward Mordrak, who appears in the two-part Halloween episode, according to Murphy: “He is a very famous horror myth,” explains Murphy. “It was a man with two faces. A normal face and then a face on the back of his head that would whisper evil things and force the forward-facing entity to commit horrible crimes.”

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OK, that sounds like it has the potential to be pretty fucking scary. To read all the details divulged in the EW.com article that was our source for this piece (we left a couple out), you can check it out by clicking here.

Also, Collider.com has a great .jpg of the poster, very high quality, that you can enlarge (and even look for clues). You don’t even have to buy a ticket! Well worth a look (also, it names so many actors that they didn’t even have room to bill all of them).

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Hemlock Grove Season 2 – Behind The Scenes Featurette (Plus Gallery) Reveals Tons of Gory Practical Effects

“If you ever come back here again, it won’t be your tongue I rip out, it’ll be your lungs.”

We were hoping to post another breakdown of how the practical effects for another grisly werewolf transformation were done (hopefully by Greg Nicotero again), since the season 2 premiere featured another great one. Maybe Netflix will add one to their You Tube channel (we’ll keep our eyes, well, peeled) but in the meantime, there’s a great behind-the-scenes featurette that shows more gore than the red band trailer we posted before. Check it out below – this season is sick! We’re only halfway through and can confirm it might even be more twisted than Season 1…

…and of course,  we’d be remiss not to put up a screencap gallery (click on an image to enlarge, but warning, at least one of the scenes these depict made us wince and curl our toes when watching the episode):

So far, this season is less of a slow burn than season one (sticking to ten episodes was a smart idea). You can check out all ten episodes on Netflix any time, because they all premiered today.

“It’s just fucked up, is what it is!” – Olivia, Season 2 of Hemlock Grove


Unfortunate News For Fellow Fans Of The Award-Winning “Bloody Cuts” UK Short Horror Film Series

Well, we went to the official site for Bloody Cuts and got a sinking feeling when THIS was the first video that greeted us:

So we looked and found the Bloody Cuts creators had posted this official announcement on their blog on Wednesday the 11th. We cut and pasted it; if anyone involved with Bloody Cuts isn’t comfortable with this, please drop Horror Boom a line (or even a comment; you were incredibly polite and thanked us when we did a piece on the brilliant short “Dead Man’s Lake”) and we’ll take it down and either post something else you prepared or simply a link to the blog. Anyway, here’s the announcement that gave us the blues:

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by Anthony
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk

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Here’s the link to read the above announcement directly on the Bloody Cuts blog, plus there’s many more links there (such as to their Facebook and Twitter pages).

The reason we were over on that page on the first place was to put the breathtaking short “Don’t Move” up as the Scariest Short Horror Film of the Week (actually, maybe the month), which we’ll still be doing. If you’re wondering what else Bloody Cuts UK-related we’ve posted since we began…

Here’s the piece on “Dead Man’s Lake” (a big BC fan favorite)

You may recall the short films that took some of the top honors in their “Who’s There” Short Horror Film Challenge… such as the Grand Prize Winner “Play Time” …and what we thought was the Scariest Horror Short of May 2014, “Lights Out”.

Oh, and this fun entry into the contest (less likely to keep you awake, but still awesome) that won Best Cinematography, “Cut”.

More news as it comes in, since the creators of Bloody Cuts are assuring everyone they have some amazing things in the works (and we believe them). Keep your eyeballs peeled here as we’ll be posting several more of their shorts (including ones related to the contest).

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We’re especially going to miss the elaborately-crafted posters for each of their horror shorts, including this one for “Don’t Move”.


*Please note that our week was already ruined when we rolled out of bed Monday to be greeted first thing with the tragic news that Rik Mayall had suddenly passed, lest it sound like we’re trying to make anyone involved feel guilty; we were in a shitty mood before we read about Bloody Cuts ending. Plus, the DVD/Blu-ray of all the films did come out.

Cringe Over This Gruesome, NSFW “Cabin Fever: Patient Zero” Trailer – Now in English, Finally! Plus, Screencap Gallery

We have a theory over what the backstory is behind the guy on the …downlow… with a sudden gush of blood in his face, but it’s too gross to repeat here. Anyway, the newest trailer for the Cabin Fever prequel “Cabin Fever: Patient Zero” is below!

We’re gonna take the ‘glass half full’ approach (and hopefully not jinx this) and say that what the hell, it has to be better than “Cabin Fever 2”.

Here’ the synopsis…

When a group of friends enjoying a bachelor cruise in the Caribbean stumble upon a research facility on a remote island, a deadly virus is unleashed. The group must find a way to survive before the flesh eating virus consumes them all.

Yeah, we don’t think the party is going to work out, let alone the wedding. Here’s the UK DVD cover.

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By the way, closest we can get to a release date is “Summer 2014” (looks like a straight-to-DVD release, but we could be wrong).  Below is a gallery of screencaps  including (almost) all the gore we could ‘grab’ from the new trailer. Enjoy, and let’s hope this comes to VOD or DVD soon… and Unrated!

See the Nasty New ‘Penny Dreadful’ Teaser Trailer — VIDEO (EW.com)

Great promo– also pretty disgusting (in a good way, of course). Take a look by clicking on ‘View original” in the lower left– it’s worth it. Will they just hurry up and start running Penny Dreadful, already?

Alas, we’ll have to wait for Penny Dreadful to premiere May 11 at 10 p.m. (ET) on Showtime.

Film Review: ‘Killers’

OK, we’re not sure whether this review is an endorsement to horror/gore fans (sounds like you damn well better be into both if you plan on seeing it) or a warning. When a review describes a J-horror slasher/action movie as “utterly depraved” and “profoundly sleazy,” that’s going to get it in our watch list. On the other hand, the VERY red band trailer on Dread Central (which you can watch here on their site, there’s no You Tube link) does look sort of torture porn-y (even very ‘cinematic and sophisticated’ torture porn, as Variety’s reviewer Rob Nelson tells us). Every female in the trailer is a victim; though men are the victims of burnings and throat-slashings, the female victim’s deaths shown are more lingering and focused, with a little bit of the what the hell is wrong with me, purposely sitting through this?‘ vibe of self-disgust that certain graphic Japanese horror movies can give you. On the other hand, when a review actually tells you (in a one-word sentence) “Beware”, and is talking about the horrifying content rather than the worthlessness of sitting through the film, we’re not going to rule it out. Since the Sundance premiere on February 1st (we’re willing to guess at least a few moviegoers were heading for the exits during the brutal opening scene), North American distribution has been picked up by Well Go USA.

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