Casting News! ‘American Horror Story Freak Show’ Books World’s Smallest Woman for Role

Didn’t see Ryan Murphy going in this direction, but he did! This photo was (heavily) doctored in Photoshop; that is, unless a character trait of Jessica Lange’s “Elsa Mars” is that her hands and wrists are bigger than her head (even though they made her head larger, too). We’re not trying to ruin the fun, it’s just distracting how waaaay out of proportion her hands and wrists are. We’re not doubting that Jyoti Amge is the world’s smallest woman, just saying hey went a little apeshit manipulating the photo, and we’re having trouble focusing on anything but Ms. Lange’s giant hands. We can’t wait to see more!

Also, Patti Labelle’s casting was recently announced. We would have got that information to you faster, but it was the same news cycle that broke the story of Robin Williams passing (and the shockingly tragic circumstances surrounding her death), so everyone was kind of preoccupied (and sad). No word on who LaBelle is cast as, but we’ll keep an eye out!

Both will be wonderful additions to the cast. Now let’s cross our fingers that Naomi Grossman returns as Pepper (we’ve heard a rumor–someone on a message board said that they heard that Ms. Grossman’s name showed up on a casting sheet, but we don’t want to get our hopes up until it’s confirmed. I bet she’d love to reprise the role, and the character has a huge fan base, so it could happen!

Breaking News On American Horror Story Season Four! Writer Doug Petrie Spilled The Setting, Which Is…

American Horror Story Carnival! The exact title hasn’t been confirmed, but the theme has.

According to Variety’s Doug Petrie spilled the beans on a Nerdist writer’s panel podcast when another podcast guest asked if the rumors were true about the carnival setting, and he confirmed Season Four will definitely be set in a carnival. He didn’t give more details than that, but he did give out a really juicy tidbit about Jessica Lange’s character. Said Petrie:

“It doesn’t have a title, but that’s the idea. Very roughly, that’s the idea.”

Jessica Lange and Sarah Paulson are both involved. Series co-creator Ryan Murphy has told The Hollywood Reporter that Lange “has always wanted to play a Marlene Dietrich figure, and now she gets to.” So that’s why Ryan Murphy said that Jessica Lange has already started practicing her German accent. We also know it takes place in 1950 and the present day, like Season Two’s “Asylum” was.  So apparently, Ryan Murphy was lying his ass off in this post-Coven Finale interview.*

More news as it comes in, but this is better than a communism/Red Scare theme, which is what most people (including yours truly) guessed when Murphy started dropping hints. I don’t know where the Coven episode “clues” were for a circus settling, but as soon as we find out, we’ll let you know!


*Fair warning: Did the last few episodes and especially the finale of American Horror Story Coven disappoint the hell out of you, because you loyally and patiently expected better after the first two seasons?  Don’t get me started, there’s a reason publication of the usual “Ten Things We Learned This Week On American Horror Story” trickled off when they did: it was a stretch for me to think of a few nice things to say (let alone ten for every episode) for the majority of the second half of the season,  so I didn’t say anything at all (on here, anyway– I had no such problem on the A.V. Club message boards where I went apeshit with my venting, along with many other bummed-out fans). Anyway, if you were let down, this post-finale interview will piss you off all over again.

Why 1950s America was *Not* Magical!!

How does this relate to American Horror Story Season Four, you ask? Well, a few days ago Ryan Murphy announced this “period piece” that Jessica Lange was “already working on her German accent for”, would definitely be set in 1950. He’s currently refusing to, well, spoil the fun and give any more than that other than some very vague hints about the “theme” for season 4 of AHS… so we’re speculating until then. On the basis of a sort of out-of-context line in the January 15th episode which Ryan Murphy said contained an “Easter Egg” as a clue, our money is on McCarthyism as a theme (wheeee! We hope we’re wrong) with a title like American Horror Story – Red Scare. This excellent piece by Indiana Jen will give you some more food for thought…

‘American Horror Story’: Gabourey Sidibe talks Queenie’s future on ‘Coven’ and doing a sitcom with Kathy Bates

Even though Gabourey Sidibe can’t say one way or another for sure, she throws out enough implications for us to be pretty sure Queenie’s not dead (unless Ryan Murphy coached her with some of her answers and purposely scripted them to misdirect us, but we doubt it). Read on for more… and we’d TOTALLY watch the hell out of that sitcom, too!


‘American Horror Story’: Ryan Murphy on the latest ‘Coven’ and whether [SPOILER] is dead — EXCLUSIVE

The bad news? We have to wait another month (well, 28 days) to find out if Queenie will be back or not, and to see Fiona and Marie Laveau working together (among other things). The good news? The title of the January 8th episode is “The Magical Delights of Stevie Nicks“! Click “Read More” above for the exclusive interview with Ryan Murphy on “Head” and what’s to come. Keep checking back with Horror Boom, since we’ll be doing our best to give you plenty of content to keep you from American Horror Story Coven withdrawal while you wait for the mid-season break to end!


NEW- Read Ten BIG Secrets of Last Half Of The American Horror Story Coven Season, Spilled By Ryan Murphy (SPOILERS)!

Uh… wow. We’re not entirely sure if Ryan Murphy knows the difference between a “tease” and a spoiler. Lots of these are pretty juicy, and there’s a couple we wish we hadn’t read, or that Murphy had been a little more vague on. But of course, we read them anyway!  The link to the 10-page piece (which may or may not be an online exclusive, since the issue with the Entertainment Weekly cover story hasn’t shown in the mail yet) puts them on 10 different pages, so you have a chance to stop yourself before you read the next one.

We’ll try to keep the topics vague, but among other things, Ryan Murphy spills on:

  • Exactly how and why Stevie Nicks shows up (we had a theory on it, and now Murphy has confirmed it)
  • Witch Which core characters the last half of the season will focus on
  • If anyone has correctly guessed who the Supreme will be
  • Which character who only had a couple of scenes, then vanished, will be back with a vengeance
  • How Marie Laveau got her eternal youth/immortality (hint: ever heard of Papa Legba?)
  • Delphine LaLaurie‘s upcoming character arc
  • Who has what Murphy refers to as a “juicy midlife crisis”
  • Much more specific info about the witch hunter/s
  • The tone of the finale (which will air near the end of January)

SO, if any of those sound interesting to you and you want some BIG hints (and a couple things Murphy just blurted out rather than hinted at), click the big link below, buckle up, and check out the article! The Stevie Nicks reveal is #10, so you could always skip-click through the first 9 pages to get to it and find out, if you want.

American Horror Story: Coven :  10 Teases  – Photo 1 of 10 |


And yes, there will be a Christmas break- probably longer than the current Thanksgiving break. The next episode, “The Sacred Talking”, airs on December 4th, 2013 (Eeeek!)

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‘American Horror Story’: Ryan Murphy on the latest ‘Coven’ and what’s next for Madame LaLaurie — EXCLUSIVE


Not thrilled we won’t have a new American Horror Story Coven episode for two goddamned weeks (one week is already too long to have to wait), though hopefully I can get caught up on the episode write-ups and then hit the ground running, since this plot –multiple plots, actually– is moving along quite speedily. But check this Entertainment Weekly Exclusive interview with Ryan Murphy out to see what’s ahead, and since we have a subscription, we can’t WAIT to see the AHSC cover story show up in the mail on Friday!

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‘American Horror Story’: Ryan Murphy talks Stevie Nicks’ guest spot and the latest ‘Coven’ — EXCLUSIVE

No Kathy Bates this week? Oh well, Misty Day (and Madison) were pretty entertaining… and there were some great reveals. More coming soon!


New American Horror Story Coven Poll – Who Do You Think Will Be The New Supreme? Vote Now!

Ryan Murphy has stated that we won’t find out who the new Supreme is until January, when the last couple of episodes–or maybe even the Coven finale–air. Lots of guesses are floating around. Strangely, I see a few up-to-date polls that list Madsion (just a couple percentages away) equal to Zoe, and much over Misty Day. Let’s find out what you fellow fans of American Horror Story Coven have to say. Oh, and you can vote twice. I’ll be keeping this poll open for several weeks, or until we officially find out. You can vote more than once, because with every episode, we get more clues, reveals, and misdirections that might make you change your vote. Dig in-and don’t be shy with your write-in votes, either!

‘American Horror Story: Coven’: Marie Laveau’s Zombie Army in ‘Burn, Witch, Burn,’ -Check It Out! (Spoilers)

How’s the above for a Before-And-After shot?  Zap2it has a great piece featuring an interview with the actor —Brian Oerly –who played the horrible racist lynch mob leader in “Feature Pranks Ensue” (AKA American Horror Story Coven Halloween Episode Part One) and “Burn, Witch, Burn!” (AKA… you get the idea). Stop reading now if you haven’t seen either of the above episodes yet as fearful spoilers ensue…

Remember that last fat heavy-set zombie who came after Zoe after her chainsaw finally sputtered out? She held up a bloody hand and called out something that upon first viewing I thought was Latin, but that the Closed Captions later pointed out was “Be as you were!” The interview is with that actor, who spilled some spoilers (for the Halloween episodes) and revealed some alternate versions that were shot, but not used (cross your fingers they’ll be on the DVD/Blu-ray). Click below for the Zap2it piece to read more…

‘American Horror Story: Coven’: Marie Laveau’s zombie army in ‘Burn, Witch, Burn,’ teases actor Brian Oerly – Zap2it.
