Happy Horrordays and Holidays From Horror Boom!

“Look, Mommy! I told you Santa would come!”


Yes, we’d like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy Horrorday Holiday! Sorry things have been a little sparse as the holiday grows closer,  it snuck up on us this year and we got really busy as it zoomed closer. Also, did Your Old Pal The Cryptkeeper send this guy by to see if you’ve been naughty or nice?

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No? Good! Really good!

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If you don’t know how THIS story ends, you can watch the Tales From The Crypt episode in this post!

Again, happy holidays from…

e, then took it from there. If I can get VHS tapes, machetes, and popcorn boxes to add to the explosion, I will!

Horror Boom’s 2014 Holiday Gift Countdown, Part 3 of 5- The Dead Skin Journal (On Etsy)!

There is a reason I don’t go visit Etsy much– Mrs. Horror Boom is a recovered compulsive shopper/spender. I start looking around on there and get the same feeling I do when entering the merchandise room at a horror convention: BUY EVERYTHING, OR BUY NOTHING. It’s too much for my central nervous system –and willpower–to take and I have to leave and give my husband my pocketbook to hold onto if I’m going to go back.

Anyway, I was doing a different search when I stumbled onto OzOtheClown’s store, “OzO’s Circus of Horrors” on Etsy.com. Did you like yesterday’s Cthulhu Ornament post? You should see the fucking Christmas ornaments here!*  Here’s a taste of one of them, the Evil Clown (the tickets are our favorite touch to this work of art):

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That’s for you to take a look at later, though. What caught our eye as a horror fan were the blank books and diaries bound in either ‘human’ or ‘monster’ skin. These look amazing, and needless to say they are handmade with care.

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The craftsmanship–and imagination–is excellent, even for a talented Etsy seller. Check out the detail on the book’s spine!

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This specific item, the Dead Skin Sketch Diary, boasts the following (per the seller):


  • Handmade item
  • Materials: latex, hard cover journal, doll eye
  • Feedback: 13 reviews
  • Ships worldwide from United States

Also, there’s only one of these. Here’s a little more detail:

Approximately 200 pages 5×8

Sketch book made to look as if it were bound with the flesh of a cadaver. Makes for a perfect book of spells, necronomicon, art journal, lyric book, Halloween decor, or gift for your creepy backwoods friend. Order now! You have nothing to lose, and everything to Gein…

Nor do I support real acts of violence or murder

How cool is that? It’s also a steal at $30.00, given the high quality.  If you do go to try to obtain this item as a holiday gift and it’s gone, not to worry! The seller has two similar items, and they’re just as cool (the gore is dialed down a notch, but don’t let that stop you). There is the Periwinkle Monster Spell Journal…

This one is actually pretty cute! Think the little guy might still be alive?

This one is actually pretty cute! Think the little guy might still be alive?

…and the Scum Green Monster Journal! Seller: “This Creature has one eye that never sleeps, or even blinks, and a menacing mouth full of sharp teeth to ward off unwanted prying eyes”. We were already complete sold on it, so the descriptions are just the icing on the cake.  The seller also has perfect ratings and rave reviews. This is going on our wish list for the next gift-giving occasion for sure… we just have to hope they haven’t sold out yet.

Worried they won’t show in time for Christmas morning? You can also give (or ask for) one of the Etsy Gift Cards (or buy one for yourself if you are lucky to get a check as a gift). The seller’s shop gladly accepts them.

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Check out the journals, spell-books, and all the cool things this seller has to offer at their shop, OzO’s Circus of Horrors, over at Etsy via this link. All three have only one available, though the seller will do custom work. Not only is this gift ultra-cool, they are one of a kind. “Geez, I wish I didn’t already have a monster skin-bound Spell Journal!” are words you are in 0% danger of your gift recipient saying.

Click on any of the images–taken directly from the item’s pages–to cut to the chase and go visit the shop. Horror Boom does not own the images, the artist does (and if OzO happens to read this and would rather we remove the images, drop us a line in comments or via email (we give contact info at the bottom of the “About” page). And no, we don’t get a cut of the sales, this just had to go on the Holiday list. Can you blame us for featuring it?


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*Holy crap, if we had the money I’d clean them out and use them exclusively on our tree, which might cause our guests (relatives all over age 60, not that they’re not cool) to wonder about our mental state.We usually just leave our tree– which we bought because it looks like the one Henry Hill brings home to Karen and their kids in Goodfellas after the big Lufthansa heist bare because it still looks great, but our cats can and will do anything to destroy every ornament, even if it’s not easily breakable, so it would look more disconcerting to them if we went from a large vintage tree with only lights to one festooned with grotesque (if awesome) monsters and what appear to be balls of flesh and eyes.

American Horror Story Freak Show Premiere: Five Ways To Kill the Hours Until Airtime!

So, we’re down to less than three hours here on the West Coast waiting for the American Horror Story Freak Show 90-minute premiere! Has time slowed to a crawl for you too? Here’s some last-minute ways to kill time that have been working for us.

1.  Watch this “Inside the Freak Show” featurette that features exclusive interviews with the cast and previously unseen footage (Sorry, we couldn’t find one to embed that didn’t have subtitles, but we doubt you’ll mind):

2.  Click here to read this MTV.com piece titled “American Horror Story Freak Show: Seven Spoiler-Free Secrets” of the premiere and next week’s episode. It has a shockingly dirty detail about Jimmy Darling (Evan Peters) and a certain sexual skill…

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3. Watch these three featurettes about these actors who were cast as performers for their actual attributes, including Matt Fraser as “The Illustrated Seal,” Jyoti Kisange Amge as “Ma Petite”, and Rose Siggins, the actress behind “Legless Suzi.”. They contain interviews with the actors and also show footage not seen before.

4. Go the official FX website for the show, weareallfreaksahs.com and see a huge gallery of publicity art (some of it very disturbing) as well as pages for each characters. For instance, this is the full version of the “featured image” used for this piece…

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5. Naomi Grossman made an appearance in character–and in full-make-up–as “Pepper” at the “Son of Monsterpalooza” convention last year. Get a behind-the-scenes look at the make-up process that transforms this pretty young women into our favorite, very convincing Pinhead:

…and you’ve killed some time leading up to tonight’s premiere while getting even more hyped up for it! Enjoy “Monsters Among Us”!

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If you would like to read something a little more spoiler-ish, click here for our article with episode descriptions for the first four shows. There are also episode titles for the first half of the season and DAMN they sound good!

Making MONSTER PROM – Check Out Joshua Hoffine’s Latest Groovy Photo Project

One our favorite photographers (and possibly out favorite horror photographer) Josh Hoffine worked on a really fun new project last month — and the results are, as always, amazing. Check out all the photos, including behind-the-scenes work and “prom photos”; in some of the latter you have to look a little harder than others to look for the tip-off as to what makes the prom-goer not quite human (hint: hands and feet). Now we’re off to look into his first short film, “Black Lullaby” …or maybe we’ll wait till it’s light out.

Joshua Hoffine | Behind The Scenes

Hi kiddies!  This is my new project MONSTER PROM.

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This project was a commission from Sony UK utilizing their new full-frame Sony A7 camera.  I re-imagined iconic monsters Dracula, Frankenstein, and Wolfman as teenagers posing for their Prom photos.

Virtually all Americans are familiar with the classic Prom photo.  We’ve all seen them, and most of us have even posed for them.  I love Prom photos.  Nothing captures the quintessential awkwardness of adolescence like the Prom photo.  It is the final game of dress-up before entering the adult world.

Monsters are the perennial outsider.  Did any of us ever feel more like monsters than we did as teenagers?  Bodies changing beyond our control, sprouting hair, developing acne, braces, bad haircuts.  The self-consciousness of adolescence comes with the realization that the villagers could turn on you at any moment.

There is a long-standing tradition of teenage monsters in the Horror genre…

View original post 580 more words

HEY! Ten American Horror Story Freak Show Plot/Character Details That Have Recently Hit The News!

OK, we’re going to go with bullet points.  If last season’s “Coven” wasn’t exactly your favorite season (ahem), things may be looking up.

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Ryan Murphy has said that he wanted a “comedic tone” similar to Coven, but that this season is just getting darker, and it’s going to not be so much in the tone of Coven, but closer to the tone of Asylum! Hey, nightmare time from AHS again!

  • Let’s get the bad news out of the way now: There is a 99% chance that Lilly Rabe will not be able to join the cast, as she has a scheduling conflict. Let’s cross our fingers she can at least show up for a cameo.
  • Vic Mackey Michael Chiklis will be playing the circus/freak show strongman (that’s pretty much how they looked back in the day, built like bulldogs rather than beefcake).
  • His character will be married to Angela Bassett’s character. Ryan Murphy described the character as the strong but sensitive type, who “is written to be quite vulnerable”.
  • Kathy Bates will play his ex-wife, and they’ll all have plenty of scenes together… which is great, since Bassett VS. Bates = pure gold. Chiklis will just be the icing on the cake!
  • Sarah Paulson will not be playing a character with two heads, but one with a conjoined twin. If you’ve seen photos of people born with a live, conjoined twin, this has the high possibility to become really, really disturbing.*
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    American Horror Story Freakshow Horror poster design by Mental Shed Studios. Horror Boom does not own the copyright.

  • The production will start shooting S4 in the middle of July. Kathy Bates says she’s starting to have costume fittings, and her character will appear in the portions of the show that take place in the late 1950s.
  • In a recent E! Online Spoiler chat, we found out about three new characters currently being cast: “that of the comedic ‘Larry’, ‘Bobby’, an extremely, extremely tall man described as a gentle giant,  and ‘Sammy’, a role which will require prosthetics.” Yikes…
  • Evan Peters will be playing an as-yet unspecified ‘freak’, whom Jessica Lange’s character has ‘rescued’. Oh, and her character refers to them as “unusuals”,  since let’s face it, no-one likes to be called a freak (even if they are employed in a Freak Show).
  • Denis O’Hare will return as “a collector of freaks,” according to Vulture. Of his relationship with Lange’s character, he hinted, “We’ll have lots of scenes with each other, but we’ll be battling.” We’re really glad he’s going to play a live character with a tongue this time around.
  • Actors that are definitely “in”, but don’t have specified roles as of yet: Frances Conroy (yes!), Emma Roberts, Jamie Brewer, and Gabourey Sidibe.
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    It’s “unusual” that Angela Bassett appears to be aging in reverse!

We have been told that the “big bad”- -glad they have one this season– will be someone (or something) called “The Clown Killer”. What we don’t know yet is if he is a clown that kills people, a killer who targets clowns, or possible a clown who only kills other clowns.

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From the Paleyfeat 2014 panel.

*When I was young, I want to say…pffft…maybe 5th grade, my parents let me check out a book from the library titled “Freaks” that was in fact very sympathetic and compassionate. A little too informative for me at that particular age, though. I read about a man (who did work in a freak show) with a conjoined twin that had a head and an arm that hung there limply. The head would sometimes go to sleep and wake up, and it snored. The final sentence has been seared into my brain for decades: “When the head began talking, however, he committed suicide with a shotgun.”  I assumed back then (and still have the strong feeling) that it wasn’t the fact that the head was talking that drove him to kill himself but what the head was saying.

Award-Winning SUCKABLOOD! (2012, Bloody Cuts) Is The Scariest (And Coolest) Short Horror Film Of the Week

On dark stormy nights, the Suckablood comes
for those boys and girls who still suck their thumbs…


Early Teaser Poster for Suckablood

Early Teaser Poster for Suckablood


This dark little treasure is pretty scary, but I also defy any horror fan (especially those who follow Horror Boom) to watch this without grinning at least once. This one? No cheap jump scares, sudden blasts of sound (we try to avoid those when posting short horror movies, which is why we don’t always have them up on a weekly basis). From the opening frame, you can tell that the film-makers were having a hell of a fun time with this dark, gothic fairytale while putting every ounce of care and attention to detail they had–and then some– into Suckablood. This one’s a great ride, so crank up the volume and watch it on the biggest screen you have that’ll play HD. Check it out below …after lights out, of course (it takes place at night, and is best viewed that way).* If you can’t see what lurks in the background of the featured image above (hint: they’re red and glowing),  it needs to be darker in the room!

Spoilers after the film, so watch it before you read any more.

Moral: Sometimes it’s a bad idea to frighten small children into obedience with folktales at bed-time. Nothing goes as planned for anyone involved (except the Suckablood, I guess, who seems like he’s in a pretty good mood at the end).  This is why we’re going to miss the Bloody Cuts series of short films so much! I honestly can’t pick a favorite Bloody Cuts film, if pressed, I could probably pick the top three, and this would be in there (along with Dead Man’s Lake and… shit, you know what? I don’t think I can narrow it down to three).

Suckablood was the fifth film in the Bloody Cuts series, written and directed by Ben Tillet (who also does double duty as the spot-on narrator) and Jake Hendriks. Among others, special recognition should go to Enrica Sciandrone for the atmospheric, perfect score.

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The perfect gothic cinematography by Jonny Franklin also… OK, the hell with it, EVERYONE who worked on this one deserves special recognition:

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We found the above image (which Bloody Cuts owns the copyrights to) On a “Behind the Scenes” page/BIG photo album about the making of Suckablood on the Bloody Cuts site. Click here for much, much more on the official page… and here’s a good post on the Bloody Cuts blog about all the awards the short film has won! These include, but are not limited to:

  • First Prize for Best Horror in the 2012 International Filmskillet contest
  • The Audience Award at the Bootleg Film Festival
Suckablood has won the prize for Best horror in the 2012 Summer International Film Skillet conte – See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/category/films/suckablood/#sthash.guWQtTHv.dpuf

The fantastic thing about the Bootleg Film Festival is the opportunity the audience (and the filmmakers!) have to chat to everyone about the films showcased. There is so much passion and talent there, it’s astounding.

As if the evening couldn’t get any better… we also received some excellent news courtesy of “Write Shoot Cut”, who announced that “Suckablood” had won TWO awards!

1.) “Suckablood” won The Golden Haggis Award, the Palme D’or of “Write Shoot Cut” – awarded to what they believe to be an exceptional short film. What an honour!

2.) “Suckablood” won The Audience Award, voted for by the people… which is amazing. Thank you!

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/category/films/suckablood/#sthash.guWQtTHv.dpuf

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* I first saw it during the day and when I re-watched it in the darkest room in the house alone at night, caught things I missed on first viewing.

Unfortunate News For Fellow Fans Of The Award-Winning “Bloody Cuts” UK Short Horror Film Series

Well, we went to the official site for Bloody Cuts and got a sinking feeling when THIS was the first video that greeted us:

So we looked and found the Bloody Cuts creators had posted this official announcement on their blog on Wednesday the 11th. We cut and pasted it; if anyone involved with Bloody Cuts isn’t comfortable with this, please drop Horror Boom a line (or even a comment; you were incredibly polite and thanked us when we did a piece on the brilliant short “Dead Man’s Lake”) and we’ll take it down and either post something else you prepared or simply a link to the blog. Anyway, here’s the announcement that gave us the blues:

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

All good things, must come to an end...

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk/#sthash.3r72rOuB.dpuf

Dear fans of Bloody Cuts,

Anthony, Jonny and Ben unfortunately have to announce with very heavy hearts that we will no longer be making Bloody Cuts episodes.

It’s been a tough decision, but for numerous reasons we felt that it was right for the series to end in its current format. Since the release of our eighth film “Don’t Move”, we’ve been working on other exciting projects that for one reason or another has taken us away from the Bloody Cuts series, and rather than see it die a slow death, we felt it better to end the series.

A lot of hard work has gone into getting the series it is today, but it’s the support of our viewers that has really kept it going, so we want to thank you all for following, watching, sharing and enjoying our films.

But as our YouTube channel is about to break the 1 million mark, we just wanted to remind you of some of the things Bloody Cuts has achieved:

  • We released 9 short films (including “Dare”)
  • We created one of the biggest short filmmaking competitions of its type with BCHorrorChallenge.com
  • We entered over 30 festivals worldwide
  • Well over 1.5 million views online
  • Released and sold out an entire order of limited edition Blu-rays
  • We won awards at Texas Frightmare, Bootleg and FilmSkillet film festivals
  • And much, much more…

Making Bloody Cuts has literally changed our lives. It’s been (and we don’t use this word lightly) AMAZING.

However this isn’t the last project we’ll work on, or indeed the last thing much of the team will work on together. So as new projects and films develop, we’ll still be using this website, our Facebook Page, Twitter account and YouTube channel to let you all know what’s going on. Many of the Bloody Cuts team members are also working on projects of their own, which we’ll want to share with you.

For the next few weeks bloodycuts.co.uk will remain live in its current state hosting all of our legacy content, although there will be a slight reshuffle in the not too distant future so do expect the site to take on a new spectral form.

So THANK YOU, to each and every person that has ever given their time to support Bloody Cuts. It is, and always has been, something born of collaboration and great talent.

Not many filmmakers could’ve achieved what our team has with such limited budgets and in such a short amount of time; this is nothing but a true testament to the hard work and generosity of all involved.

So we hope that you’ll all join us in raising a glass to Bloody Cuts, and to the future too.

As that era ends, another one begins – we look forward to our next filmmaking adventure and hope you’ll be able to join that with us too.

Kindest regards,

Ben, Anthony and Jonny (and the rest of the Bloody Cuts team)

Posted by Anthony
June 11th, 2014

– See more at: http://www.bloodycuts.co.uk

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Here’s the link to read the above announcement directly on the Bloody Cuts blog, plus there’s many more links there (such as to their Facebook and Twitter pages).

The reason we were over on that page on the first place was to put the breathtaking short “Don’t Move” up as the Scariest Short Horror Film of the Week (actually, maybe the month), which we’ll still be doing. If you’re wondering what else Bloody Cuts UK-related we’ve posted since we began…

Here’s the piece on “Dead Man’s Lake” (a big BC fan favorite)

You may recall the short films that took some of the top honors in their “Who’s There” Short Horror Film Challenge… such as the Grand Prize Winner “Play Time” …and what we thought was the Scariest Horror Short of May 2014, “Lights Out”.

Oh, and this fun entry into the contest (less likely to keep you awake, but still awesome) that won Best Cinematography, “Cut”.

More news as it comes in, since the creators of Bloody Cuts are assuring everyone they have some amazing things in the works (and we believe them). Keep your eyeballs peeled here as we’ll be posting several more of their shorts (including ones related to the contest).

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We’re especially going to miss the elaborately-crafted posters for each of their horror shorts, including this one for “Don’t Move”.


*Please note that our week was already ruined when we rolled out of bed Monday to be greeted first thing with the tragic news that Rik Mayall had suddenly passed, lest it sound like we’re trying to make anyone involved feel guilty; we were in a shitty mood before we read about Bloody Cuts ending. Plus, the DVD/Blu-ray of all the films did come out.

Why “Tales From Beyond The Pale” Season Two Boxed Set Is A Must-Listen For Old-School Horror Fans

Note: I’m not getting any free copies, perks, nor am I selling copies of this incredibly cool item. At times this piece might sound like I’m getting a cut of every sale, but that’s not the case. I’m just REALLY REALLY enthusiastic about it and I know horror fans in my age demographic (and up) will want to know about it.

Well, hell, even if you were born after the 80s, and just love all things horror, I’m pretty sure you’ll want to know about it. I’ve found plenty of “millennial” age horror fans who I figured had no interest in anything before the Scream trilogy (and only saw the remakes of horror classics), but who turned about to be just as devoted, knowledgable (for example, knowing who Lucio Fulci was), and (almost) as rabid as I am (“THEY’D BETTER NOT FUCKING EVEN THINK OF DOING A REMAKE OF RE-ANIMATOR!” another horror geek –probably technically young enough to be my kid– who I ran into at a horror convention said loudly and simultaneously with me within five minutes of starting up a conversation)*  Real horror fans of any age, and you know who you are (especially if you’re reading this) and proud of it, will probably look into this.

Here’s the official description that Tales From Beyond the Pale gives to promote themselves, their work, and this product, and it’s fairly comprehensive:

Conceived during a fog-drenched car ride with nothing beyond the windshield but a horizon-less void, Larry Fessenden and Glenn McQuaid created the acclaimed Tales from Beyond the Pale, audio theater inspired by the vintage radio shows of Alfred Hitchcock and Orson Welles. Having previously released 10 studio-recorded Tales for Season One, Fessenden and McQuaid decided to up the ante and stage a second season of Tales before a live audience at the performance venue Dixon Place in downtown New York City. Tales Season Two delves even further beyond the pale with eight explosive tales to tickle your fancy and curdle your blood.

The fierce independent production house GLASS EYE PIX is pleased to present this box set of 4 CDs, a DVD and twelve-page booklet. Tales Season Two offers 8 new spooky audio dramas recorded LIVE before an audience: “Ram King” by Joe Maggio, “Like Father, Like Son” by Clay McLeod Chapman, “Stranger” by Jeff Buhler, “Dead Man’s Shoes” by Ashley Thorpe, “Sarah Minds the Dog” by Kim Newman, “The Crush” by Glenn McQuaid, “Dead Air” by Simon Barrett, and “Caper” by Larry Fessenden. The Tales are chillingly brought to life by the regular stable of performers and special guests Sean Young, Vincent D’Onofrio, Mark Margolis, [ed. note: AKA Hector “Uncle Ring-a-ding” from Breaking Bad] James Le Gros, Michael Cerveris, Kate Lyn Sheil, Jonny Orsini and others, and narrated by your host, horror maverick Larry Fessenden.

The box set includes a very special bonus DVD with a half-hour documentary film entitled Behind The Curtain, which chronicles the history of the project and the staging of the live shows. Also included on the DVD are various video clips generated for the series, collected for the first time in Dispatches From Season 1. The beautiful box set is designed by celebrated graphic artist Gary Pullin.

The series is produced by filmmakers Larry Fessenden & Glenn McQuaid; Associate producers Lisa Wisely, Jenn Wexler. 

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Plot (from the official website): “A struggling novelist with writer’s block takes on some translation work for a housebound elderly aristocrat who wants ‘to put his affairs in order’ before his death. The events that unfold will require every ounce of the novelist’s creativity he’s got to keep them both alive!”

Normally at this point, we would embed the trailer, but it’s an EW.com exclusive. They did let us post it in separately, though, so take a look at the post below for it (or click here).

The TFBTP S2 boxed set is only on Amazon via third-party sellers, and the least expensive copy is marked up to $30.00.  If you want it right from the source, you can buy it on the TFBTP site’s official store for $25.00, which you can find right here. Oh, and the tales themselves are R-rated, another big plus. These are definitely not safe for work (unless you’re wearing ear buds, I guess) or for children!

Speaking of the official website, it’s just packed with goodies. Each “tale” not only has a description of the episode (just enough to rev you up, but not enough to spoil anything), there are Director-Writer notes for each episode. On some of then, they reveal that the story, even though there wasn’t a visual, was storyboarded (I didn’t see the actual storyboards on the site, but they could be there somewhere or included as extras for when you purchase the physical sets). That’s pretty painstaking, but it gives you an idea of just how much of a labor of love the episodes are. They also have really cool art for each tale; see the cool examples below to whet your appetite (note: I do not own these, the copyright does NOT belong to me, and I’m posting them for entertainment. If anyone at TFBTP has a problem with me using them, fine, just contact me and I’ll take them down).

I also added the story description for each one. When my review goes up, I’ll be sure to point out a few good ones to start with (especially if you can only afford to download a couple of them before committing to buying the set).

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Well-mannered, well-brought-up young “Englishwoman, Sarah gets herself into a bit of a pickle when left in charge of the much-loved Rottweiler of a Russian mob boss.”

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“Loretta (Sean Young) will stop at nothing to own her very own vineyard, but when the wine finally flows, it comes at a price.”

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“A scientist loses his five-year old son in a car accident after losing control of the wheel. Wracked with grief, he refuses to let his boy go-choosing to bury himself in his work instead: Reanimating human tissue. On the brink of a major breakthrough, he’s determined to have a family reunion, no matter how many body parts it takes.”

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“Four burglars are trapped in a phantasmagoric nightmare when they discover the abandoned mansion they break into is shapeshifting.” (Looks like Mark Margolis pops up in this one)


Season One doesn’t look too shabby either, and I’ve got some serious catching-up to do. For instance, an episode titled, “The Grandfather,” features Angus Scrimm in the title role.

If you go to the official website referenced above (hell, I’ll just give you the link again) you can hear excerpts from some of the stories.  Co-creator and producer Fessenden also introduces/hosts the tales, and not only does the book-ends but steps in during a break mid-story (each of the Tales run approximately 30 minutes) with a E.C. horror-esque comment along the lines of “Well! [character name] seems to be in way over his head! But things certainly couldn’t get any worse, could they?” The breaks add to the ambiance instead of taking you out of the story.

If you don’t want to commit to the full boxed set without a taste, you can buy episodes on the iTunes store for $2.95 a pair (Season One) and individually (Season Two) for $1.95. Here’s a few more reviews to check out:

Arrow In the Head (Season One) Review



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Highly NSFW Red Band Trailer For Italian-Style Gorefest Bombshell Bloodbath – Must See!

I don’t even know what I can say about this trailer before you watch it. Well, maybe I can narrow the intended demographic down a little.
Did you seek out VHS copies of Fulci movies in the 80s (or 90s)? Would you rent something just because you heard it was gory as hell (and the movie wasn’t a stinker) and that the aforementioned gore was done with practical effects, even if one of them is slightly cheesy (see featured image)? Does a creatively titled movie (instead of something like The Darkening or The Smith Project*) get your hopes up or at least have you mentally giving the film-makers some credit? Does watching a contemporary movie where the soundtrack sounds like it was performed by Goblin take you back and give you a big, nostalgic smile? I’m not saying you had to grow up in the 80s horror boom to enjoy this trailer – I’m saying it sure as hell doesn’t hurt. When I was surfing around Dread Central earlier in the month, this caught my eye (speaking of Fulci) and I don’t even know what the hell the movie was about. I think either zombies or bringing the dead back to life are involved. OK, let’s see the trailer (which features some top-notch practical FX) first…

Here’s a link to the official site.  So far it has the trailer, a broken link to merchandise, and this official synopsis: Bombshell Bloodbath concerns the daughter of a brilliant scientist who is exposed to her father’s experimental treatments designed to re-animate his wife. The movie follows her as her brain collapses and she becomes a zombie.

OK, we’ll go on that.

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As far as a release date, we’re sill looking. It just so happens, though, that there was a premiere tonight (technically yesterday, but on the 21st, anyway) in Greensboro. The page for the event also gives this info, which sure doesn’t hurt:

Writer/Director Brett Mullen’s new Italian Style Zombie Splatter film “Bombshell Bloodbath”, is Influenced by works of Lucio Fulci (Zombi 2) and Umberto Lenzi (Nightmare City), “Bombshell Bloodbath” resonates Fabio Frizzi styled tracks from Kansas City artist Matt Hill (UMBERTO) and boatloads of gore by Joh Harp FX.

It also includes this poster (though there are others, I’m guessing this is close to the tone of the movie):

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We’ll keep our eyeballs peeled for more release info. If they’re showing it, we definitely know they’ve finished the movie. Check back for details!


*Yeah, I made those up.  Maybe there is a movie with that first title in it, though. Plus for some reason italics stopped working completely with my theme last month, hopefully WordPress will correct it soon, because it makes the staff at Horror Boom look mighty stupid.

Horror Boom Creepy Holiday Countdown: The 11 Most Unintentionally Creepy Christmas Ornaments!


“So, how can we give our little Santa figurine that extra little bit of flair?” “How about we stick a light inside his head? Like he’s … glowing with Christmas cheer or some shit? Just do it, I’m sure it’ll look fine.”
You were probably too distracted by Santa’s glowing demonic eyes there to notice what he’s sitting on: a tiny little house. And if you don’t think a gigantic Santa whose eye sockets are burning with the fiery embers of hell itself squatting on your roof is terrifying, it’s only because you haven’t seen the video of it in action yet.

-from the “11 Most Unintentionally Creepy Christmas Ornaments” article at Cracked.com

(hit the photo below to cut to the chase, or keep reading for a link at the bottom)

Nope, no serious nightmare material here!

Nope, no serious nightmare material here!

Here we go with another Creepy Holiday Countdown link. What is it, now, 8 days away? AAAAAAAAAIGH! That’s scary enough on its own. Where did that rum eggnog go?

Anyway, don’t miss this one–it’s well worth checking out! The “Snowman” with “Stocking” looks like a prop from a James Wan-directed ghost movie, the “Godzilla Santa” sounds cool until you see the photo–at which point you’ll hope no small children looked up at it and were terrified for life–and “So Apparently Terrified Infant Ornaments Are a Thing”…well, when you see it, you’ll wonder who is the hell thought it would NOT be creepy on a tree. We almost hope that one was intentionally creepy. The writing is hilarious, too-check out both pages! Click below–or on the photo of the ornament, also below, that unintentionally looks like a certain painting to read…

The 11 Most Unintentionally Creepy Christmas Ornaments (At Cracked.com).

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