(Clap Clap) The Editing Room Finally Takes On “The Conjuring”!


Daddy, we found a hidden door to a creepy dark cellar.


Okay, get me our flashlight.
Wait, get me some matches instead. A flashlight might set my hands or the house on fire and won’t provide nearly as much light as good strong matches.


Hee hee! I remember actually blurting out, No, you idiot! under my breath (well, mostly) when that moment came up in the theater. So, the bad news is I get the feeling that Ian S., the writer of the Abridged Script for The Conjuring not only doesn’t really care for horror movies, but got bored during this one and took a snooze or two in the middle. The good news is that it’s hard to be irritated at a script this funny.

Click on the bottle of holy water below (or this link, if the holy water doesn’t work because the Bathsheba demon is back and is way too strong) and read The Editing Room’s parody of our favorite horror movie of the summer, The Conjuring!
