Count Down Till Sunday Night With A TON of Links, Photos, and Content From The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale! (Daily Dead)

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If you’re itching for The Walking Dead S3 Finale on March 31st (Sunday), here’s a TON of content to keep you busy, including clips (the two ‘Sneek Peaks’ from AMC), interviews, a set report/visit on Season 4, and much, much more. Click the big red link below to check them all out!

Clips from The Walking Dead Season 3 Finale, PLUS Links, and a TON of reading!  (Daily Dead).

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The Walking Dead – We Have The Airdates, Titles, and Credits For The Rest Of Season 3 Right Here!

Spoiler Alert, sort of:  if you click on the episode titles, you’ll be taken to the IMDB page for that episode, which lists cast. I personally got accidentally spoiled on the return of a recurring character for the upcoming episode this Sunday; though it’s certainly no bombshell, we still thought you should have a heads up. WARNING: there IS a big bombshell of a character return in the form of an acting credit on “Prey”.  It could be a fake-out, but if it does turn out to be legit, I’ll really wish I hadn’t seen it.

Okay. So. As of this writing, there’s only four more episodes to go and Season Three of AMC’s The Walking Dead will have slammed to a close.  If you’d like more details on the titles and credits, read on!

S3, Ep13, “Arrow on the Doorpost” airs  March 10th. Directed by David Boyd, written by Ryan C. Coleman.

S3, Ep14,  “Prey”, airs March 17th. Directed by Stefan Schwartz, written by Evan Reilly and Glen Mazzara (yay!) Happy St. Patrick’s Day – we’re sure you’ll SEE something green in the episode.

S3, Ep 15, “This Sorrowful Life” airs March 24. Directed by Greg Nicotero (Hurray!), written by Scott M. Gimple. Sounds upbeat…

Finally,  the Season 3 finale (Ep.16) is titled “Welcome to the Tombs” (another cheerful finale title, though honestly, it beats a quirky, contrived one) and airs March 31. Directed by Ernest Dickerson. There’s no writer listed as of yet; we’re hoping for Kirkman, Mazzara,  Scott Gimple, or Frank Darabont (who got a writing credit–albeit a generic, blanket one– for “Clear“, so hey, you never know). We’ll keep you posted as soon as we hear anything!

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Speaking of “Clear”, do you recall seeing the above cringe-inducing official photo released for that specific episode at ANY point in the show last week? Because if so, we missed it, and think that we probably would have recalled that memorable of a shot. Hmmmm, deleted scene? If you saw it, please comment below, ’cause now it’s driving us nuts (click on image for a full-page version on the IMDB).

‘Walking Dead’ Star Promises Jaw-Dropping Finale – “You’ll Never See It Coming” (!

ETonline:  …the season finale is almost upon us. How do you think fans will react to it?
Roberts: The Walking Dead fans will not feel cheated by the finale. It’s not a soft close for sure. As [the season] starts to wrap up, it gets stronger, crazier and weirder. Although you’ll never see it coming, when it cuts to black at the end of season three, there will be millions of mouths agape.

Click on the big red link below to read more in this interview with Dallas Roberts, who plays Milton on AMC’s The Walking Dead:


‘Walking Dead’ Star Promises Jaw-Dropping Finale/


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Anyone got any predictions on the horrible surprise we are all being told is waiting for us at the end of the season? If it’s anything like the comic, the parents I’ve heard who watch their kids under ten years old watch the show might be re-considering.. We’re actually nervous Kirkman they’re going to fuck it up by doing something that can’t be un-done, only to regret it when Season 4 goes down-hill, ratings drop (though it’d take a lot to make THAT happen at this stage of the game) and that the creators of the show don’t have an exit plan. We honestly hope that isn’t the case, though, and we’re just being cynical.