Kristin Wiig Hosts SNL – Don’t Miss This Awesome Grudge Parody, “Aw, Nuts! Mom’s A Ghost!” – Wiig Does Kayako

Speaking of Mother’s Day, here’s one last themed treat. Someone on staff in the SNL writer’s room is a Grudge/Ju-On fan like we are! Yeah, we know Kayako isn’t a Korean water ghost*, doesn’t vomit up black goo and that it’s Sadako in The Ring that crawls out of the TV. We’d be pretty shitty J-Horror/K-Horror geeks if we didn’t get that right.

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MOM! we were trying to watch that!

So what happens when the Disney Channel does a new show about two kids whose mom gets drowned by a jealous man when she’s visiting Korea? Hilarity ensues. Plus Kristen Wiig nails it!

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Hey, watch it, mister.

Click the big red link below to watch the whole sketch (and see some very familiar moments). I couldn’t embed anything because, well, it’s Saturday Night Live which airs on NBC, and this isn’t going to pop up on You Tube any time soon.

Click here to watch “Aw Nuts, Mom’s a Ghost!” the J-Horror parody sketch on the Kristin Wiig – hosted May 11th episode of Saturday Night Live!

I don’t know about you, but if it existed, we’d watch the hell out of that show!

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*Kayako Saeki is an Onryõ, the cultural Japanese term for a female ghost returning for vengeance! We know our stuff.

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One thought on “Kristin Wiig Hosts SNL – Don’t Miss This Awesome Grudge Parody, “Aw, Nuts! Mom’s A Ghost!” – Wiig Does Kayako

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