Scariest Short Horror Film of the Week, “Mama” is Same Short That Inspired the Scary-Ass Upcoming Movie…

…That I posted the scary-ass theatrical trailer for last week.  After I watched the Mama short below (in the middle of the night, only one awake in the house, you know, the stupid viewing method I keep swearing I’m going to stop doing) I had a nightmare.  A very specific nightmare; the kind you know  a certain something horror-related that you watched before bed-time inspired.

So what WAS I thinking when I watched it after dark, alone in the house?  It was probably related to the fact that I’d just spent a boring half an hour searching for scary-ass shorts to share it with you fellow horror fans, watching a few horror shorts claiming to be SUPER!! SCARY!!!  that weren’t too scary, original, or even that gracefully put-together.  As I discovered with the Scariest Short of the Week (Bedfellows) that I posted two weeks ago, just because a short is less than four minutes long doesn’t mean it can’t be well-made, tightly edited, and scare the living shit out of you.  Longer ones (in the eight-to-ten-minute range) could also be sleep-with-the-lights on scary (or TRY to sleep with the lights on scary, yet you still end up wide-awake) as well;  intense, perfectly paced, and a little  too memorable than you’d like to experience right before bedtime – see my post on Cleansed, the scariest short of LAST week.

yes, go Go GO GO!

Well, not the case last night. So anyway, I was just about to say the hell with it and watch the end of 2007’s The Orphanage* (review coming – it was even more haunting than I expected, ALSO a Del Toro-presented production by the way, and I can’t recommend it enough) when I remembered something. Hey, wasn’t that upcoming, ultra-creepy Mama movie that I posted the ‘Spooky-ass Trailer’ for recently actually based on a short film by the same director? Well, might as well see if… oh, hey, here it was! Popped up right away in the search! I’d just watched several horror shorts claiming to be SUPER!SCARY!  that just ended up being, well …stupid. How could this  be too freaky to watch before bedtime?

Watch it below to judge for yourself. If you’re feeling brave, turn all the lights off and the sound up like I did! Hey, it’s less than four minutes long, right?

Fuck! (I think that was also my one-word You Tube comment I posted after I caught my breath). Yes, indeed, definitely the inspiration for the upcoming movie presented by Guillermo Del Toro, and directed and written by…

Just in case you missed the blood-curdling Mama trailer when I did the post on it last week, I re-posted it below.

Sleep tight, now…

*It’s possible the first half of The Orphanage also contributed to my nightmare, and it was the combination of the two, but I hadn’t even got to the really wrenching moments and reveals by time I turned off the TV and conked out last night. Pretty sure it was the short.

Don’t look, just run…


So, What Do You Fellow Horror Fans Think?