Happy, Happy Halloween… from Horror Boom AND Silver Shamrock!

No more days till Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!


No more days till Halloween, Halloween, Halloween…

We would recommend NOT looking at the magic pumpkin on the TV while wearing a Silver Shamrock mask!

We also thank you for being so patient with the sporadic posts. 2016 was a rough year that included the sudden death of Mrs. Horror Boom’s father, along with plenty of other horrible events. Again, we can’t thank you enough …when we get our laptop replaced (which we hope is soon), you can expect to see much more frequent posts… including one fro Mrs. Horror Boom called “Horror Movies My Dad Took Me To See”, which she has been jotting down notes for all year.

Meanwhile, enjoy your Halloween and check out the following You Tube video that consists of every Halloween trailer:

What’s that? You want to see a little more gore? We’ve got you covered with this nasty death scene from Halloween 3 – Season of the Witch:

So yeah, don’t try fucking around with the chip in the mask…